
Does Robot Have a Soul?
Karel Čapek Symposium on the Ethics in Robotics and AI
21. 11. 2021
At he invitation of the Czech Center, Tokyo, Karel Čapek Center for Values in Science and Technology holds an online one-day symposium at Miraikan, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation in Tokyo, Japan.

Kathryn Francis, Measuring Morality with Immersive Technology
Institute of State & Law, 7th floor, Národní 18, Prague
29. 11. 2019
Dr. Kathryn Francis is Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Bradford, UK. Prior to this, she was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Psychology and Philosophy at the University of Reading, UK. Her interests lie at the intersection of psychology and philosophy, predominantly in moral cognition. She adopts interdisciplinary approaches to the investigation of cognitive and social phenomena.

A CEVAST Mini-Workshop
Institute of State & Law, 7th floor, Národní 18, Prague
25. 6. 2019
Two participants at the upcoming Prague conference on the ethics of autonomous vehicles will give two lectures on the ethical issues involved in AI and robotics.