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CETE-P Vacancy

CETE-P Vacancy

PhD Level Researcher in environmental ethics

This position at CETE-P must be combined with PhD study in “Philosophy” at the University of Pardubice (Centre for Ethics) under supervision of Iwona Janicka – tuition free, monthly stipend, summer 2024 entrance exam (expected application deadline: end of July 2024)

Will Machines Rule the World?

Will Machines Rule the World?


The team of Karel Čapek Center is happy to announce an international conference to be held in Prague, on the themes of the new controversial book by the philosopher Barry Smith and the mathematician Jobst Landgrebe, Why Machines Will Never Rule the world, with both authors attending as keynote speakers. The conference will take place in the early March 2024.

Pour féliciter 2024

Will Machines Rule the World?

Will Machines Rule the World?

Call for contributions

In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence has witnessed remarkable advancements. While these developments are celebrated by many, there is a growing concern among some experts who believe that the emergence of unaligned AI could potentially pose significant, even existential, risks. On the contrary, other scholars take a more cautious stance, asserting that current AI systems remain distant from achieving the goal of general AI.